Sunday, August 9, 2015

I expect that exactly zero people will probably read this. As a result, my efforts to be completely coherent will likely be sporadic. I have attempted to blog on several occasions in the past and failed; hence this page is old, despite this being the first post. I have deleted all prior entries.

About five months ago (actually 146 days, but who's counting?) something happened. That something was poor health, alternately attributed to Lyme Disease and nothing in particular, taking a dramatic turn for this worse. Of course I'd been to doctors in the past and even taken a whimsical trip to the ER via the services of an EMT crew and their luxurious ambulance. However, this time has been different. This time I haven't gotten better.

At the risk of embroiling myself in a 10,000 word post, I'll forego elaborating on my seven year medical mystery tour in favor of summarizing the current predicament. My legs vibrate all day every day, sometimes accompanied by similar sensations in my chest and arms. My body heats up at random intervals with little reference to outside influence. I see all manner of flashes and floaters in my vision, including a rather infuriating assortment of white dots dancing in and out of the backdrop of this page. In every limb I experience random shooting pains, tingling, and numbness. The center of my chest has been pulsating unceasingly, though at intermittent levels of strength, for months. Worst of all is a lurching sensation, a feeling that different parts of my body are being pulled in different directions. This lovely symptom not only keeps me in bed most days, it nearly killed me. When it first struck when I was rounding a curve on Rte 15 at 55mph. I have dozens of other symptoms as well, but they tend to be more random and inconsistent. This lovely parade of forces works in concert to keep from sleep until completely exhausted, thus my sleep schedule no longer exists.

So I sit here shaking on my bed, almost three months after turning 24, having remained awake through yet another night. My body has betrayed me. The medical community has neither a cure nor a diagnosis. I have no clue how much longer this continue.